In this section you will find information on all of the models I have and havent completed. All of the pictures here are up reviews are not. My host is NOT being stupid ANYMORE and the pictures do load well.

HG Wing Gundam

This was my first model kit. I built it way back when Gundam Wing was airing on Cartoon Network. I bought it down at Toys R Us and assembled it right when I got home. I built it in no time and was kind of careless with snapping the pieces out of the plastic trees. I didn't paint it at first and was kind of dissapointed with its appearance. Since then ive gone back and painted and detailed it numerouse times to bring it up to its current condition. It transforms into bird mode perfectly and looks nice displayed in either mode.

Kit Rating: 4/5 Stars

HG DeathScythe

My second model kit. Bought this one at the same time as the first. Built it a few days later. Its pretty much the same story as the first. I was careless and didnt paint it at first but have gone back to detail it numerous times. I like it alot Especially the variety of different blades provided for the scythe.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

HG Heavyarms Custom


My third model kit. (see a pattern here?) Bought it a few months after my first two and took a little more time and care when building it. I have gone back and done some work on it but havent had to do it as much as with the other two kits. This is one of my favortie Mobile Suits and i am extrememly pleased with how it came out.

Rating 5/5 Stars

MG Kaempfer

After a large ammount of time passing by i finally gave up on Toys R Us or KB getting any good models, so i began my online search. I came across HlJ which stands for Hobby Link Japan. They have almost every kit imaginable and all at good prices and reasonable shipping. I ordered the Kaempfer along with the Gunze color set and the federatin colors gundam markers. The kit came a few weeks later and I was really impressed. This kit was like nothing I had ever seen before, the box was huge and the kit itself came with 17 seperate runners of parts. With this kit i was much more carefull and took much more care building it. I cut all of the pieces out and sanded them and also did extensive painting of some parts while they were still in the runners. This kit took many hours to assemble and the final apppearance is stunning. The kit includes stickers and the standard dry transfer decals. The kit has full inner frame detail and comes with tons of weapons, 2 Giant Bazookas, 2 Shotguns, 2 Sturm Faust, 2 beam sabers and the chain mines all seen in 0080. This kit is just awesome and i really really love it.

Rating 10/10 Stars

HG Hy-gogg

Unlike the Hg gundam wing kits, these kits are a smaller 1/144. This kit was small with only about 9 or so runners of parts. This is one of my favorite mobile suits because of its interesting design. The kit needs some painting if you want it to look good and I cut and sanded the pieces which i do on all kits i build now. The kit doesnt include any inner mechanism detail but it still looks great. The kit includes the extended arms and also the missile container. The missile container can be placed on the arm extended or you can remove the arm and attach it at the shoulder. The kit also can be changed into the more streamlined mode for underwater travel and it does include the detachable jetpack as well. I like this kit alot and it was dirt cheap off HLJ.

Rating 8/10 Stars

HGM Val-Varo

Anoter High Grade kit but this time in the mehcanics series. This was my first kit of a Mobile Armor and it measures in at 1/550 scale. Dont think that this kit is tiny because its not. Mobile armors are generally several time the size of a mobile suit and thats why the scale is so much smaller. This kit went together pretty easy and only took some detailing with the paint markers. It comes with parts to display the arms extended or withdrawn and the claws open, close and extend. It also comes with a stand to display it on and the Mega Beam Cannon is revaled under openable pannels.

Rating 8/10 Stars

HGM Neue Ziel

Another High Grade Mechanics kit from HLJ. I had this one for quite some time before i built it because of its color. All pieces are molded in the darker "Zaku Green", I dont understand why bandai chose to use this color for if they used the lighter "Zaku Green" the kit would have been fine. I had trouble finding the proper color and i was also worried about possible problems after painting because of shallow panel lines. So i built the kit without a total repaint. I painted all the panel lines and all of the red seen on the various thrusters. I had some trouble with pieces fitting in a few places and and had a few things break on me. But with a few modifications i didnt have a problem. Rating 7/10

MG Rx-79[g] Ground Gundam

What can I say, I loves my master grades :P This kit was fairly simple and is quite spectacular. The typical Mg treatment for this one full inner frame detail and removable armor and numerous other goodies. The cokpit opens, the winch extends, and it comes with that trademark backpack. Weapons include, Machine Gun, Beam Rifle, 180mm Cannon and two beam sabers. The cannon comes apart and can be stored in the backpack which is removable from the mobile suit itself. Painted the panel lines and thats pretty much it. Ran into a few problems, one thing the screw stripped on the hip joint/torso peice, two i had to modify one of the rear armor pieces so it would fit properly, and finally the storage rack covers on the legs could work better than they do. Overall very very nice kit. Rating 8/10

MG MS-06F2 Zaku II Type F2

Yes another master grade kit. (starting to see a trend here?) Very Very nice Full inner detail, removable armor, openable cockpit, multiple hands and all that standard MG stuff. Lets move onto buliding this kit was fairly easy and went to gether very well except for one very time consuming part. All of the tubes on the Zaku (Legs torso and head) are reproduced very well. This effect is gained by having to cut out many many many many little plactic circles and sliding them onto plastic cords. It took alot of time but the final result is well worth it. Onto some of the neat stuff, the kit includes parts to create two versions of the Zaku's head, either the normal type or the commanders version (which i chose to build. The kit also includes the solid rocket booseters seen in the desert episode of 0083. These parts are optional and can be easily switched out with barely any work at all if you wish to change the appearance. Weapons include the second model Zaku machine gun, 280mm Zaku Bazooka, two 3 tube missile pods (one for each leg), grenades, extra clips, and a sturm faust. The assortment of weapons is quite impressive but i was saddend that there was no heat hawk included in this kit. Problems, NONE! Rating: 9/10 (shoulda put a heat hawk in there bandai!)

MG Rx-78 GP-02A Gundam Physalis

This is one big bad beastly kit. Number one, its huge. HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE. Very large kit with 17 plastic runners of parts. It took quite some time to assemble and paint. Assembly went pretty easy and I only ran into one problem.(more on that later.) The soulder binders move just like in the Show and it includes the Huge sheild and atomic bazoooka. The Atomic bazooka breaks down into two main parts, the small portion on the back and the large barrel wich is perfectly stored in the shield with a very well designed latch system. Shoulder binders can be placed up, the back of the bazooka swiveled down and the barel removed and put in place. Great Great Great well worth it and strongly recomeneded by me. All i had to do was paint panel lines and putty a small section on each of the legs to remove an overly large gap. This kit also includes two beam sabers stored in hip armor. Rating 10/10 Bravo Bandai!

MG Gouf Custom

One of my personal favorite kits. Wonderful mold with wonderful coloring. Tons of parts took some time to complete. Includes inner frame detail, removable armor and multiple weapons. This kit included something that i hadnt previously seen. The hands on this kit were different than the traditional fixed pose open, closed and poseable. it includeds on set of the palm section of the hands with interchangable fingers. One for closed fists, one for trigger pulling and an open palm. The cockpit opens on this one as well as espected and has the same type of system as the Zaku for the pipes running on the head and torso. Weapons, 3 barrel machine gun, gattling sheild, heat rod and heat sword that stores in the shield. The sheild is massive and very impressive, it is quite heavy and i have read about people having problems posing it but i have not run into any. The heat rod is pretty cool and the kit includes a piece of flexible cable so you can pose it how you like. SUPER SUPER SUPER GREAT Rating 10/10

Heres a few pictures of some of the stuff I havent written up yet.

90 Percent perfect. This kit is small in parts count but still quite amazing it also includes a few screws. Inner frame detail on legs and upper body. Includes the woven mesh tubing for cable detail on the back of the knees which I like alot. Painting required is not bad but could have been better. I pannel lined with paint markers as always ahic was fairly simplefor this kit. The Piece below the head is molded in all one color, I had to mix up my own color and paint it the blue grey that it is supposed to be. Inner thrusters were painted red and shoulder appogee motors/vents were painted red and black. Now to the biggest flaw in the kit, the visor is molded in clear plastic. If you do not paint this and just put it together it IS going to look like crap. I painted the piece behind the visor the same tan as the kit and ran out to the store and bought some tamiya clear green paint. Includes a good assortment of stuff shield which can hold two beam sabers and a machinegund which can be changed into two versions. Also the machine gun replacement parts can be hung on the middle piece of the rear skirt armor. Also includes a Version 2 beam spraygun which can be mounted on either side of the skirt armor. AN impressive gimick is the core block. Similar to the core block system of the first Gundams but the block itself is just tha, a block. It stays true to the MS development not having a core fighter.Rating 8/10

MG Refined Gundam Zeta

Big kit, Big Value. Alot of detail on this kit and alot of gimmicks besides the transformability. Painting, i didnt do much of anything for this kit besides the typical panel lining and eyes. The thrusters all assemble with two pieces so painting is not neccesary. The only actuall painting i did was a small section of grey on the top of the feet and a section on the head. Now moving on Inner detail on legs and upper body. Very involved assembly with mechanisms and such for the transformability. LOTS of parts, comes in a double size box. Went together fairly easily just took quite a bit of time. Some screws for legs and elbows. It comes with the shield and beam machine gun and two sabers. the backpack can open and the sabers are lifted out with a interesting system. The forearm missiles had to be painted, they are pretty interesting. The panel on the front opens and the missiles can be pushed foward with a disguised system also on the forearm. The rocket propelled grenades on the hip armor can be extended out by a switch on the backside of the armor and removed if you want. The Backpack Weapons System looks great and works very well too. Two plastic pieces must be added to the sheild and the beam rifle attacches to it. The sheild then attaches to pivoting pieces on the BWS. Feet are folded and pushed into the legs, legs are bent at the nees and the knee armor retracts, hips widen after moving a switch and are locked in place, shoulders are pulled out and rotated down and arms are spun 90 degrees, fins retract on the backpack, hatches open on the upper body and the bws is attached here and also locks onto the backpack, Raise the stabilizer and the sheild is rotated back down and locks onto the legs. Very good all around Rating: 10/10

FG Magella Attack

When I found out that this kit existed i had to have it. Very cheap in price but still a very good kit. This is an older kit so it required some painting. I myself decided to leave it green as opposed to the tan as it is sometimes seen. Panel lining was done, lights were painted, cockpit and upright fin was painted. The kit is not snap together and required glueing. Fit together pretty well but I might go back a putty and repaint a few things in the future. The Magella Top can be removed and the main gun barrel can be raised or lowered. Rubber tank treads (COOL) are included as well. Parts to build the seperate magella cannon as used by some Zaku models is included but uses the same barrel as the tank itself. So neither part of the kit can be complete at the same time. I also tried to do some weathering on kit, it came out alright and the pictures really dont do it any justice. Rating: Really good for an old kit 7/10

HG Tallgeese III

I wanted this for quite some time and finally got around to getting it. A really good kit. It can be built as any of the three talgeese variants with painting. Includes Multiple shields, guns, and heads. I built the kit as the Tallgeese III. Hollow construction as seen in all the wing kits. The seam placement is good in spots but could have been better in others. For painting I did the blue on the upper torso and head, the gold, the entire sheild, and the blue and darker grey on the Mega Cannon. I also did the white which looks terrible in the pictures. The color looks perfec when looking at it but for some reason the camera that I have makes it look terribly off. The Mega cannon is very large and very impressive, it can collapse and extend and is mounted with a pivot which is in turn connected to the shoulder armor. The poseablitly of the cannon left much to be desired so i assembled the mounting piece used for the Tallgeese I and II Dober Gun and attached that to the Mega Cannon as well and this solved the problem. The sheild is molded in all grey and required complete painting, the two sabers mount here and a polycap is located at the end for mounting of the heat rod. The large thrusters on the back of the kit are one of my favorite things about all of the Tallgeese models. They can be opened and each side of the thruster moves in unison thanks to a system that connects them together. They can also be posed because they are mounted to polycaps in the shoulders of the suit. The only problem that I have had with this kit is getting it to stand upright at times, I dismanteled the leges and reinforced the joints and havent had a problem since. Rating: 7/10

MG Nu Gundam

This kit is incredible. Huge when completed and beautiful flawless detail. Lots of parts and a long time for assembely. Full inner detaill EVERYWHERE and metal parts included for ankles and lower torso. These metal parts are included to keep the kit from falling over when the funnels are attached. I actually did some puttying on this one and airbrushed the blue sections on the upper torso. Most of the orange is painted and some of the blue on the Hyper Bazooka. Everything is perfect on this kit except for one thing that im going to complain about which is the mounting of the funnels. The funnels themselves are great they are all indavidually poseable and attach together quite well. The problem here is how they connect to the backpack of the Nu Gundam, it one of the funnels hooks on a small plastic piece and the weight of the funnels causes them to slant slightly which can be seen in my third picture. For weapons it comes with the beam rifle, hyper bazooka which can be stored on the back, shield which includes a beam cannon and four small missiles and the six funnels which also mount on the back. Rating: PERFECT 15/10

Dengeki Hobby Titans Test Team GM Quell

This litlle thing came with the _______ issue of Dengeki Hobby HY2M-MG08 Gp-03 head

MG RX-78-4

DXMSIA RX-78 GP01-Fb Gundam Full Vernian

HG RGM 79[G] GM Sniper w/ 1/1200? Apsalus III

HY2M-MG08 Gp-01 Head

SD GGeneration F Gp-03D

HG Serpent Custom